Water Filter Jugs – Do They Actually Work?

As consumers increasingly focus on health and wellness, the question of investing in water filter jugs is frequently raised. But are they truly necessary? This article explores the benefits and considerations of these devices.

New Zealand, blessed with generally safe and drinkable tap water, seldom struggles with significant water contamination. Most tap water substances are not harmful and exist in amounts much smaller than the international drinking water standards. Nonetheless, variations in taste and quality may occur due to chlorine used for purification and the sporadic presence of minor contaminants.

Here's why you might consider a water filter jug for your home:

Enhanced Water Taste: Water filter jugs are designed to eliminate chlorine, a common water treatment substance that can alter the taste of water. If you're particular about the taste, a water filter jug could be your answer.

Reduced Contaminants: While New Zealand's tap water is largely safe, it can sometimes contain tiny amounts of undesirable substances such as lead or copper. A high-quality water filter jug can help alleviate these concerns by effectively reducing such levels.

Environmentally Friendly: A water filter jug can reduce your reliance on bottled water, which in turn decreases plastic waste. It's an individual contribution towards a sustainable lifestyle.

As you ponder investing in a water filter jug, consider the following factors:

Filter Lifespan: Most jug filters are designed to be replaced every one to two months, depending on usage. Be prepared for this recurring expense.

User-friendly Design: The design should be simple, enabling easy filling and pouring. Ensure the jug's size fits conveniently in your refrigerator if you prefer your water chilled.

Type of Filter: Water Filters differ in their capacity to eliminate various contaminants. Some are primarily designed to remove metals such as lead, while others are engineered to enhance taste. Choose according to your needs.

Certification: To ensure the effectiveness of your water filter jug in reducing or eliminating specific contaminants, opt for a product that has been certified by a recognized organization.

While tap water in New Zealand is generally safe, water filter jugs can significantly enhance the taste and reduce certain contaminants. They also offer an environmentally conscious alternative to bottled water. Weigh the benefits against the considerations and decide if a water filter jug is the right fit for your home.